Friday, February 29, 2008

Treating Your Sleep Problems with Prescription Medication

Do you know the side effects of some of the most common sleeping pills? Keep reading to learn more about medication for sleep disorders. Complete news at...

Sleep eating, also known as nocturnal eating syndrome, is a disorder that causes people to eat while they sleep. Keep reading to learn about sleep eating. Complete news at...

Pregnancy and sleep often don't go together. Learn about pregnancy sleep positions and also get info on the treatment of sleep disorders during pregnancy. Complete news at...

Exercise and quality sleep go hand in hand. Keep reading to learn how you can exercise during the day to get more quality sleep time. Complete news at...

Title: Health Tip: Getting Enough Sleep During Pregnancy
Category: Health News
Created: 2/22/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/22/2008 Complete news at...

Common sleep problems, aging problems and memory problems are all connected. Keep reading to learn about the physical and psychological effects of aging and sleep problems. Complete news at...

Sleep deprivation in college students is serious, not only to students' health but also to their studies. Keep reading to learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on college students. Complete news at...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Daytime Nap Can Boost Memory

A Daytime Nap Can Boost Memory
But the shut-eye only helps with material that was learned well, study suggests

Daytime Dozing Might Raise Stroke Risk
Sleep apnea could be the connection, experts say

Secondary Insomnia and the Drugs Used To Treat It
I previously posted about the diagnosis of insomnia, the difference between primary and secondary/comorbid insomnia, and the importance of evaluating for and treating any underlying causes of insomnia. I encourage you to read my Secondary Insomnia post before reading any more of this post. Today I will be talking more about medication treatment options for secondary (comorbid) insomnia. Although persons with primary insomnia (insomnia...

Polysomnogram: What Is It, And How Does It Work?
Let's continue talking about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We already discussed some of the symptoms and signs, as well as the significance of untreated OSA and the related diseases such as stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.  Today we will focus on the polysomnogram (PSG), the test used to diagnose OSA, as well as most other sleep disorders. Again, if we break down the words it won't seem so mysterious- poly means many, somno means...

Daytime naps may enhance memory skills: study
Taking a 45-minute nap during the day appears to help the brain process some information to memory, research suggests.

Teens' sleep problems may be chronic
In a study exploring insomnia among adolescents, as many as one in four reported one or more symptoms of insomnia nearly every day in the previous month, and nearly half of these had sleep disturbances a year later.

Do Away With Sleepless Nights With A Decorative Bedroom

Do you come home from work exhausted but find, once you enter
the bedroom, you can't fall asleep? You are uncomfortable in
what should be your inner sanctum, your own personal area of
solitude and peace. You look around and are not comforted by
what you see, and you realize the master bedroom furniture is
just lacking in appeal. You can stand it any more, and you need
to find an inexpensive way to decorate your bedroom so you can
do away with sleepless nights. With the options available
through Fashion Bed Group, you'll see how easy that can be.

What is your style? This is the ultimate question you must ask
as you shop for bedroom furniture. Are you a minimalist who
likes things simple, with clean lines and angles and a few small
knick-knacks to brighten and personalize the room? Do you prefer
grand designs, with large hulking images and furnishings that
are powerful in a space and stately by design? If you are one of
the former, you will probably enjoy shopping for modern platform
beds, which are quite simple and leave you with a clean, natural
palette from which to decorate around it. Many manufacturers
available online have several affordable options to help you in
that area.

On the other hand, you may prefer the old Victorian and
Edwardian style furnishings that commanded a room, with large
pieces filling rooms to the brim and making known their
presence, demanding attention. A four poster canopy bed may be
the treat for you, filling the space and adding a little
something more, with the option of draping a canopy in any color
to add some privacy and to blend it in with other extravagant
décor, such as throw rugs, pillows, and window dressings.

Even small changes to your bedroom can make a big difference.
Many people have wood bedroom sets already. By shopping for a
new Headboard, you'll find options that are less expensive that
can totally change the look of the room. You can purchase
upholstered headboards, which are colorful, some in print
designs to give nourishment to the creative thoughts that may
already be rooting into your mind. These will work just fine
with your wooden sets and will still liven up an old design so
you can get a good night's sleep in a room that brings you

Hillsdale Furniture is one of the many companies that has a
wide range of bedroom furniture collections to cater to every
customers lifestyle. From laid back to elegant, contemporary to
classic, they have an extensive line of bedroom fixtures to fit
your personality. A few improvements in your bedroom alone will
change your outlook. Whether you are ready to start over with a
whole new design or simply make a few changes that will make
your room more comfortable and relaxing, just by making the
creation of a peaceful environment your focus, you will be on
your way to having a personal retreat in your bedroom.

About The Author: Ben Weissman writes about decorating with
Iron Beds, Platform Beds, Headboards, Daybeds, Bar Stools and
Contemporary Bedroom Furniture. Find more decorating ideas at Make your bedroom a personal

My sleep has improved so much it's incredible

Many people who find that they have trouble sleeping spend
a lot of time wondering what their problems might be. The
truth is that there are a lot of things that can keep a
person from falling asleep. If you were wondering what
causes sleep problems, then read on. Here are a few of the
reasons you might be having trouble sleeping.

Stress: Oh that stress. It causes so many problems. Stress
keeps our body from functioning normally in many areas, not
just our brains at bedtime. The truth of the matter is,
however, that stress is the number one reason that people
have sleep problems. A typical scenario involves a person
who has been having a bad day. Things just go wrong one
after the other and before this man knows it, it is time to
go to bed. He crawls under his covers, turns off his light
and lays there. He is waiting to fall asleep but instead,
he starts replaying the day in his head. Before he knows
what is happening, he has wound himself up over a
conversation that he finished six hours earlier. Suddenly
his adrenaline is pumping and his brain is racing-because
he couldn't let go of his stress.

Illness: Doctors always tell us to get as much rest and
sleep as we can when we are ill. Unfortunately for most of
us, the common cold and flu wreak havoc on our bodies and
keep us from sleeping at all. For one thing, most of us
can't breathe very well when we are sick and sleeping
depends on the body's ability to breathe. We as a society
have also become very dependent on over the counter cold
medications and often these medications have ingredients
that are meant to stimulate us so we can get through our
days, not to relax us so that we can sleep.

Environment: Our environment can also be a source of sleep
problems. When we talk about environment, however, we
aren't necessarily talking about bigger issues like global
warming. We are talking about small issues like the
temperature of our bedroom or how much noise is filtering
through the walls. It is rare to find a perfectly silent
room to sleep in and not everybody can sleep in perfect
silence. The key to falling asleep is to be comfortable,
but most of us get too caught up in what our bedrooms
should be that we forget about what they need to be.

Finding out what causes sleep problems can be a complicated
process. Often it boils down to one of the three
aforementioned categories, but sleep problems can really be
caused by just about anything. Sleep problems are usually a
symptom of something else being wrong, not the actual
problem itself. If you can't fall asleep but you aren't
sure what causes sleep problems, you might want to call
your doctor and together the two of you can figure out what
needs the most attention.

About the Author:

At last! For men and women who want quick, simple and
effective HELP...
Fall Asleep in Minutes Instead of Hours, Sleep Soundly
Through the Night and Wake Up Rested — Without
Resorting to Sleeping Pills... Guaranteed!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Night Sweats: Understanding What Causes You to Sweat While You Sleep

Night Sweats: Understanding What Causes You to Sweat While You Sleep
Do you suffer from night sweats? Learn more about the causes of and reason for night sweats.

Teeth Grinding: Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment
Teeth grinding can occur when people are asleep or awake. Keep reading to find out about preventing teeth grinding, including using a night guard or mouth guard.

Treating Sleep Apnea: Surgery, Equipment and Supplies
Respiratory medical equipment and supplies are effective in treating many sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. Keep reading to learn more about treatment options for sleep apnea.

New Discoveries About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I wanted to take a short break from our regularly scheduled blog on nightmares to talk about a recently published article, by Dr. John Chia in The Journal of Clinical Pathology. It concerned a well-known but very difficult disease to describe and diagnose called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). First, some important background: While many people think of CFS as a "new age" diagnosis, it has actually been around for many...

Sleep Disorders Related to Menopause
How does menopause affect women's sleep? Read on to learn more about how sleep problems arise from common menopause symptoms.

Symptoms and Causes of Insomnia
There are many causes of insomnia. Keep reading to learn more about the causes of insomnia, including pain, depression, and sleep disorders.

Sleep and Aging: The Effects of Aging on Sleep and Sleep Patterns
Sleep and aging are closely related. Learn how sleep affects not only aging but also mental health, physical health and memory.

Flu: What to Do if You Get the Flu

Title: Flu: What to Do if You Get the Flu
Category: Doctor's Views
Created: 10/21/2005
Last Editorial Review: 2/26/2008 More at...

Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq:SOMX), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the in-licensing and development of proprietary product candidates for the treatment of diseases and disorders in the fields of psychiatry and neurology, announced that it has submitted a New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for SILENOR(TM) (doxepin hydrochloride). Somaxon is seeking marketing approval of SILENOR(TM) for the treatment of insomnia. More at...

Daylight saving time can wreak havoc on the millions of people already affected by sleep problems, but a few simple sleep habits can make all the difference this March 9.Approximately 70 million people in the United States are affected by a sleep problem, and it can cause serious health and lifestyle issues, according to Dr. Aparajitha Verma, a neurologist with the Sleep Disorders Center at the Methodist Neurological Institute (NI). More at...

New research shows that cigarette smokers are four times as likely as nonsmokers to report feeling unrested after a night's sleep. The study, appearing in the February issue of CHEST, the peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), also reveals that smokers spend less time in deep sleep and more time in light sleep than nonsmokers, with the greatest differences in sleep patterns seen in the early stages of sleep. More at...

We all know that drinking and driving is dangerous and can lead to serious injury and loss of life. However, fewer people are aware of the significant of danger of driving while drowsy. If you drive while you are drowsy your reflexes are severely impaired, as are your senses of awareness and judgment. According to studies, if you drive after not sleeping for 18 hours your senses are undermined to the same level as somebody whose blood alcohol level is 0.05%. More at...

Title: TV Could Be Disrupting Your Kid's Sleep
Category: Health News
Created: 2/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/26/2008 More at...

Night-time noise from aircraft or traffic can increase a person's blood pressure even if it does not wake them, according to a new study published today in the European Heart Journal.Scientists from Imperial College London and other European institutions monitored 140 sleeping volunteers in their homes near London Heathrow and three other major European airports. More at...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Symptoms and Causes of Insomnia

There are many causes of insomnia. Keep reading to learn more about the causes of insomnia, including pain, depression, and sleep disorders. Continue reading ...

How does menopause affect women's sleep? Read on to learn more about how sleep problems arise from common menopause symptoms. Continue reading ...

Do you or someone you love suffer from nightmares? Keep reading to learn more about the most common causes of nightmares and how you can stop them. Continue reading ...

Sleep deprivation in college students is serious, not only to students' health but also to their studies. Keep reading to learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on college students. Continue reading ...

Wetting the bed is a serious, embarrassing condition that affects millions of children. Learn more about the causes of bedwetting. Continue reading ...

Sleep apnea treatments, CPAP, snoring remedies and sleeping pills help many sleep. Keep reading to learn about treatments and about how alcohol and obesity can impact your sleep. Continue reading ...

Wth our busy lives, stress can lead to a bad night's sleep. Keep reading to learn about the effects of stress and stress management on sleep. Continue reading ...

Sexsomnia, also known as sexsleep or sleep sex, is a parasomnia that causes a person to have sex while sleeping. Learn more about sexsomnia. Continue reading ...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Seeking Medical Care for Sleep Problems

When should you seek medical attention for your sleep problems? Read on to learn more about seeking medical care. Read more ...

Let's continue talking about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We already discussed some of the symptoms and signs, as well as the significance of untreated OSA and the related diseases such as stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.  Today we will focus on the polysomnogram (PSG), the test used to diagnose OSA, as well as most other sleep disorders. Again, if we break down the words it won't seem so mysterious- poly means many, somno means... Read more ...

Read more ...

Drugs and sleep deprivation go hand in hand. Keep reading to learn more about drugs that cause sleep deprivation. Read more ...

Do you know the side effects of some of the most common sleeping pills? Keep reading to learn more about medication for sleep disorders. Read more ...

Sleep-inducing foods are foods that can help you sleep. Get information on the link between sleep-inducing foods and sleep. Read more ...

Common sleep problems, aging problems and memory problems are all connected. Keep reading to learn about the physical and psychological effects of aging and sleep problems. Read more ...

Snoring can cause problems for people who snore and even keep their loved ones awake all night. Keep reading to learn about the causes of snoring, as well as ways to help stop snoring. Read more ...

Teens, Sleep and School: Should class start later?

Teens, Sleep and School: Should class start later?

When Life Gets "Crazy-busy", Sleep

Power Down for Better Sleep
Title: Power Down for Better Sleep
Category: Health Facts
Created: 2/14/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/14/2008

Statins Linked to Nightmares and Insomnia

Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Title: Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Category: Health News
Created: 2/13/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/13/2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Coffee vs. Napping When You're on the Road

Continue reading ...

Want to stop bed wetting or other sleep problems? Keep reading to earn about how sleep can be improved through hypnosis. Continue reading ...

What are normal sleeping patterns? Keep reading to learn more about how many hours of sleep people need to stay healthy. Continue reading ...

Continue reading ...

Continue reading ...

Continue reading ...

Do you know the side effects of some of the most common sleeping pills? Keep reading to learn more about medication for sleep disorders. Continue reading ...

Snoring Is A Serious Health Problem

Is snoring really a problem? Is it really a serious health
issue for the snorer? These are just a couple of the questions
that may occur to your mind if you try to think about the root
of the problem as to why a person snores. It would also be a lot
helpful if you find out as much as you can about the present
condition of the snorer. Little did you know, it could already
be a case of sleep apnea, a worse case than snoring.

People who suffer from snoring obviously have problems with
their upper airway since it contracts when it should be open,
blocking the air completely. This health problem also causes
hypertension issues and cardiovascular problems to the snoring

There are more health problems actually that a snorer could
experience especially if it's already leading to a worst case.
When the air is blocked, it could cause damage to the arteries
which are very important in the proper circulation of the blood.
When this happens, after some time, a build up on the artery by
cholesterol and calcium happens which turns to plaques blocking
blood flow to other arteries in the body and could cause an even
more severe problem called stroke.

While you think that a snorer is having the time of his life
while sleeping, think about what's going on inside his body
which causes him the racketing sound that he's capable of
producing. When a snorer is already suffering from sleep apnea,
the danger here could become doubly fatal. A sleep apnea
sufferer actually stops breathing while sleeping for a matter of
10 seconds up to 30 minutes. Just imagine what could happen
during the time that the snorer stops breathing.

If you want to help a victim, a snorer relative perhaps, look
for symptoms that indicate clear signs that cause snoring
problems. Usually, it's the middle-aged men who are overweight
that suffers from snoring first and then sleep apnea.

Not to worry though, there are still effective natural remedies
to help the snorer to completely get rid of snoring problems.
Snoring exercises are available and approved by medical experts.
These are helpful in keeping the air passageways open even when
sleeping. Talk to the person you know suffering from snoring and
help him live a healthy life and get a peaceful sleep at night.

About The Author: Click Stop Snoring Solutions to find out more about
informative snoring remedies.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Health Tip: Getting Enough Sleep During Pregnancy

Title: Health Tip: Getting Enough Sleep During Pregnancy
Category: Health News
Created: 2/22/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/22/2008 More at...

Title: Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Category: Health News
Created: 2/13/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/13/2008 More at...

Common sleep problems, aging problems and memory problems are all connected. Keep reading to learn about the physical and psychological effects of aging and sleep problems. More at...

A new study shows that smoking disrupts sleep in two ways. First, as bedtime approaches, the smoker has a final "relaxing" smoke before retiring. That smoke may seem relaxing, but nicotine (the drug found in tobacco) is actually a stimulant, and smoking that cigarette is almost as sleep disrupting as drinking a cup of coffee. But smoking disrupts sleep in yet another way. During the night, you go hours without a... More at...

How does menopause affect women's sleep? Read on to learn more about how sleep problems arise from common menopause symptoms. More at...

Sexsomnia, also known as sexsleep or sleep sex, is a parasomnia that causes a person to have sex while sleeping. Learn more about sexsomnia. More at...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't Plan on Getting Any Shut Eye in the ICU

Don't Plan on Getting Any Shut Eye in the ICU

Does Your Job Cause Cancer?

Wake Up and Smell the Sugar Pill - Or Not

Give Your Valentine What They Really Want - A Good Night's Rest!
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) would like to remind you that snoring is the number one reason why couples sleep apart-and your Valentine might be best served by some preventive measures to ensure a good night's rest. The noisy sounds of snoring occur when there is an obstruction to the free flow of air through the passages at the back of the mouth and nose.

Rest Assured You're Making The Most Of Bedtime
Counting sheep may not be the new yoga, but if it helps you fall asleep, then consider it a healthy practice. In recognition of National Sleep Awareness Week (NSAW) from March 3-9, Philip Gehrman, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia shares tips to help you have a fruitful 40 winks."Enough studies now show that your brain has to work harder to do the same amount of thinking when you're tired as when you're rested," said Dr. Gehrman.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nix the Nightcap for Better Sleep?

Nix the Nightcap for Better Sleep?
Title: Nix the Nightcap for Better Sleep?
Category: Health Facts
Created: 2/20/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/20/2008

Did Ambien Lead To the Death of Heath Ledger?
I know there was a great deal of controversy over the movie "Brokeback Mountain." It was one of those films you either loved or hated. I saw it, and thought it was well and sensitively done. The two stars who played homosexual cowboys rendered their roles well and I looked forward to seeing further work by them. I was deeply saddened, therefore, to find out that Australian born Heath Ledger had been...

Health Tip: Is GERD Causing Sleep Problems?
Title: Health Tip: Is GERD Causing Sleep Problems?
Category: Health News
Created: 2/21/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/21/2008

Sleep Quality in Intensive Care Units (ICU)
For a patient to heal from illness or injury, he or she needs restful sleep. A quiet, dimly lit room promotes sleep. Yet, the ICU ward of a busy hospital is seldom quiet or dimly lit. An article in USA today advises: "Sleep deprivation can result in a decreased production of growth hormone needed for healing." In the ICU (intensive care unit) and, for that matter, most hospital wards, patients are disturbed by flashing...

The Secret Causes of Insomnia: What Every Woman Should Know About Sleep Problems
Title: The Secret Causes of Insomnia: What Every Woman Should Know About Sleep Problems
Category: Health Facts
Created: 2/20/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/20/2008

Sleep Quality in Intensive Care Units (ICU)

For a patient to heal from illness or injury, he or she needs restful sleep. A quiet, dimly lit room promotes sleep. Yet, the ICU ward of a busy hospital is seldom quiet or dimly lit. An article in USA today advises: "Sleep deprivation can result in a decreased production of growth hormone needed for healing." In the ICU (intensive care unit) and, for that matter, most hospital wards, patients are disturbed by flashing... Complete news at...

Title: Sugar Water Eases Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008 Complete news at...

A new study shows that smoking disrupts sleep in two ways. First, as bedtime approaches, the smoker has a final "relaxing" smoke before retiring. That smoke may seem relaxing, but nicotine (the drug found in tobacco) is actually a stimulant, and smoking that cigarette is almost as sleep disrupting as drinking a cup of coffee. But smoking disrupts sleep in yet another way. During the night, you go hours without a... Complete news at...

Title: Power Down for Better Sleep
Category: Health Facts
Created: 2/14/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/14/2008 Complete news at...

Every year, as the Christmas season rolls around, There are numerous and varied showings of "A Christmas Carol." I'm sure you're all familiar with the story of the three ghosts, Tiny Tim, and the original Scrooge. It was written by Charles Dickens.  Another story by Charles Dickens is very appropriate to our topic of sleep disorders. It is entitled "The Pickwick Papers." From this... Complete news at...

Title: 9/11 Attacks Changed Way Americans Dream
Category: Health News
Created: 2/2/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/4/2008 Complete news at...

Title: Daytime Nap May Boost Memory
Category: Health News
Created: 2/4/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/4/2008 Complete news at...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Best Natural Stop Snoring Tips You Can Use To Quit Snoring Now! - Nurse's Guide

If you have a snoring problem or your spouse or someone in your household does, the following natural tips may help you stop snoring or finally give you some relief.

At bedtime try to raise your head up higher by sleeping on a thick pillow or two or three pillows to help lessen your snoring. Make sure they are firm pillows. If they're too soft it may make your throat muscles relax and narrow your airway.

Try to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages. If you do, limit it to no more than two and don't drink any alcoholic beverages for a few hours before going to bed.

Don't take any sleeping medications, tranquilizers, or antihistamines just before going to sleep. These drugs can cause the muscles to relax and limit the passage of air in your airway. Antihistamines are especially known to exacerbate snoring. They also dry up sinus mucous, hardening it so that the natural flow of sinus drainage cannot get through and can lead to sinus infections.

Lose weight! When you put on extra pounds the excess fat is deposited throughout the body, including the neck, which raises the likelihood of snoring. Also it may impinge on the space in your airway passage.

If you're a couch potato or don't get enough exercise, start immediately by walking at least 10,000 steps a day. Get a pedometer to help you count steps. Regular exercise improves sleep patterns, snoring problems, and weight issues.

Stay off your back in bed. Sleeping on your side instead of your back will prevent the soft palate from falling against the back of the throat as easily, so any snoring tends to be quieter.

A commonly known home remedy to prevent sleeping on your back is to sew a tennis ball onto the back of your pajamas or sleeping t-shirt. The discomfort from rolling over on the ball will prevent you from sleeping on your back.

Try to go to bed at the same time every night. It's preferable to go to bed when the sun goes down but we aren't able to do that usually. The next best thing is to be sound asleep by 2:00 A.M. when your body repair is taking place.

Before bedtime, avoid drinking or eating any dairy products including milk, cheese, ice cream or yogurt. These may cause a build-up of mucus in your body.

Make sure not to eat any big meals before going to bed. If your stomach is full it'll push up on your diaphragm and cause pressure on your airway. It's best to allow 2-4 hours for digestion to take place before hitting the sack. Meat and other cooked foods have a longer digestive time. If you need to eat something, eat fruit, which digests in 15 minutes if your stomach is empty.

Try using a nasal irrigation device like Nasaline and flush your sinuses to lessen the mucous that may be draining into your throat at night. This will also help by moisturizing your throat.

Some people like to use a snoring device like nasal strips before going to sleep. These open up the nostrils and allow more air to come through and hopefully reduce or stop snoring.

If you smoke, stop smoking now! Until you stop, avoid smoking just before going to bed. Smoking can cause inflammation and swelling in the throat area and sinus congestion.

Get one of the natural stop snoring exercise programs that have been used by and helped by many snoring patients.

Make sure you get evaluated by your doctor for sleep apnea or any other serious medical problem or to seek snoring treatment if all snoring cures and snoring remedies fail. Your doctor will want to get to the root of the cause of your snoring. If possible have a spouse or partner stay awake to a later hour to observe for any symptoms of breathing stoppage which could indicate sleep apnea. And if your baby or grandbaby snores, make sure to have the baby checked for baby sleep apnea.

For more info on snoring and sleep disorder treatments go to a nurse's website specializing in sleep disorder tips, treatments, natural treatments, and causes for adult, child and infant including information on snoring, insomnia and sleep disorder centers

hydroxyzine, Vistaril, Atarax

hydroxyzine, Vistaril, Atarax
Title: hydroxyzine, Vistaril, Atarax
Category: Medications
Created: 4/17/1999 8:45:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 1/30/2008

ACOG Addresses Physician Fatigue And Patient Safety
All obstetrician-gynecologists should evaluate the effects that fatigue may have on their ability to care for patients and adjust their workloads, work hours, and time commitments when feasible to avoid fatigue when caring for patients, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). In its ongoing commitment to patient safety, ACOG released the new opinion in the February issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Herbal Sleep Aids and Hormones for Adults and Children
Thinking about trying an herbal sleep aid or an herbal remedy to treat your sleep problems? Learn more about how herbs and hormones work as alternative herbal sleep aids.

Normal Sleep Patterns: How Important is Sleep?
What are normal sleeping patterns? Keep reading to learn more about how many hours of sleep people need to stay healthy.

Driver Fatigue: The Dangers of Driving Sleepy
Driver fatigue and driving sleepy or drowsy can cause car accidents and crashes. Keep reading to learn about driver fatigue as well as truck driver fatigue.

Blood Pressure Raised By Aircraft Noise, Even During Sleeping, Says Study
Night-time noise from aircraft or traffic can increase a person's blood pressure even if it does not wake them, according to a new study published today in the European Heart Journal.Scientists from Imperial College London and other European institutions monitored 140 sleeping volunteers in their homes near London Heathrow and three other major European airports.

Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Title: Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Category: Health News
Created: 2/13/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/13/2008

Bedwetting in Children and Teens
Wetting the bed is a serious, embarrassing condition that affects millions of children. Learn more about the causes of bedwetting.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called CFS, can be a debilitating condition. Keep reading to learn about treatments for and symptoms of CFS.

Sleep Disorder Surgery: Treating Sleep Apnea and Snoring Through Surgery
Do you know how surgery can treat sleep disorders? Keep reading to learn more about how sleep apnea and snoring can be improved through sleep disorder surgery.

Covidien Introduces Sandman Intro(TM) CPAP Device
Covidien Ltd. (NYSE: COV, BSX: COV), a leading supplier of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and other sleep therapy devices and accessories, announced the introduction of an all-new CPAP device with a fully-integrated heated humidifier. The product is available throughout the United States and Europe and will be phased into other global markets over the next year.

Normal Sleep Patterns: How Important is Sleep?
What are normal sleeping patterns? Keep reading to learn more about how many hours of sleep people need to stay healthy.

Alternative Sleep Patterns: Polyphasic Sleep, the Da Vinci Sleep Cycle and Uberman Sleep
Alternative sleep patterns, such as the Da Vinci sleep cycle, polyphasic sleep and uberman sleep alter the sleep cycle. Keep reading to learn about polyphasic sleep.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sleep and Accelerated Aging

Sleep and Accelerated Aging
Do you know how a lack of sleep effects the aging process? Read on to learn more about how sleep deprivation causes accelerated aging.

Study Concludes A Daytime Nap Can Benefit A Person's Memory Performance
A brief bout of non-REM sleep (45 minutes) obtained during a daytime nap clearly benefits a person's declarative memory performance, according to a study published in the February 1 issue of the journal SLEEP.The study, authored by Matthew A. Tucker, PhD, of the Center for Sleep and Cognition and the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, focused on 33 subjects (11 males, 22 females) with an average age of 23.3 years.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called CFS, can be a debilitating condition. Keep reading to learn about treatments for and symptoms of CFS.

Changes In Narcoleptics' Skin And Core Body Temperatures Affect Their Vigilance And Sleepiness
In healthy people, both sleepiness and vigilance show a relationship with core body temperature and skin temperature. When core body temperature is high during the daytime, skin temperature is low, which translates into optimal vigilance. Conversely, when core body temperature is low at night time, skin temperature is high, which correlates to optimal sleep.

Narcolepsy Treatment
Narcolepsy and hypersomnia greatly impact those who suffer from them. Keep reading to learn about narcolepsy treatments, including using antidepressants, modafinial and xyrem.

Blood Pressure Raised By Aircraft Noise, Even During Sleeping, Says Study
Night-time noise from aircraft or traffic can increase a person's blood pressure even if it does not wake them, according to a new study published today in the European Heart Journal.Scientists from Imperial College London and other European institutions monitored 140 sleeping volunteers in their homes near London Heathrow and three other major European airports.

Treating Sleep Apnea: Surgery, Equipment and Supplies
Respiratory medical equipment and supplies are effective in treating many sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. Keep reading to learn more about treatment options for sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea tied to risk of mental impairment

Older women with sleep-related breathing problems may have a heightened risk of impairments in thinking and memory, a new study suggests. Complete news at...

Let's continue talking about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We already discussed some of the symptoms and signs, as well as the significance of untreated OSA and the related diseases such as stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.  Today we will focus on the polysomnogram (PSG), the test used to diagnose OSA, as well as most other sleep disorders. Again, if we break down the words it won't seem so mysterious- poly means many, somno means... Complete news at...

Cutting down on medication, especially tranquilizers and antidepressants, and using wheelchairs and bed rails selectively, could help reduce the number of falls among nursing home residents, Swedish researchers report. Complete news at...

For smokers, getting a good night's sleep is no slumber party, scientists said on Monday. Complete news at...

To continue where we left in our discussion of insomnia, we should start reviewing the treatment options. First, we should address the pharmacologic therapies (both prescription and over the counter medicines) and later on will get to the non-pharmacologic (such as behavioral or psychological methods) treatments.   Before I even start talking in detail about the medications that are used for the treatment of insomnia, I want to... Complete news at...

Ambien CR, the extended-release formulation of the sleeping aid Ambien (also called zolpidem), taken 3 to 7 nights per week, is safe and effective for at least 6 months in people who suffer from chronic insomnia, according to research published in the medical journal Sleep. Complete news at...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What About Eucalyptus and Snoring?

Many people have heard of the beneficial effects of eucalyptus on snoring. Those who are looking for an alternative or safe way to address their snoring problem may want to explore this option as eucalyptus is a safe and natural remedy. Let's explore that a bit further here.

One of the reasons you may want to consider eucalyptus for snoring is because many cases can often occur when the sinuses get clogged and blocked, and a person is then forced to breathe through their mouth when they sleep. The body is not meant to breathe through the mouth this way, and this causes the throat to dry up considerably. When the throat is dry the tissues in the mouth and throat vibrate as you breathe. This vibration causes snoring. When you start to treat this condition with eucalyptus, snoring is reduced because the sinuses are kept open and unblocked, and you're more likely to breathe through your nose the way you're supposed to.

Just how can you use eucalyptus for snoring? There are a few different ways. The first is as pure oil. You can have a jar of this on your nightstand and open it when it's bedtime. The vapors will penetrate your sinus cavities as you breathe and keep your nose open. Some have had good results this way with marjoram, peppermint, and menthol as well. Also, you can use eucalyptus for snoring by adding some in a vaporizer that's designed for this. The oil or concentrate is released through the vapors, and this extra moisture in the air helps to keep your sinuses open and your throat moist as well.

Some use eucalyptus for snoring by rubbing a small amount of the oil under their nose or on their chest at night before they go to bed. This may be a bit too much of the vapors for some, but if you are prone to very blocked sinuses or nasal cavities, this may be the best thing for you.

There are also homeopathic treatments and over the counter concentrates you can purchase at the pharmacy. These are usually very affordable and seem to work well for those who try them. It's always recommended that you try eucalyptus; snoring doesn't have to interfere with your life any longer, since this element is so easily available and seems to work so well for those who have tried it.

Lisa Davies is a freelance writer. For more information about natural snoring remedies and snoring visit our site at
Discover more tips on stop snoring remedies.

Driver Fatigue: The Dangers of Driving Sleepy

Driver fatigue and driving sleepy or drowsy can cause car accidents and crashes. Keep reading to learn about driver fatigue as well as truck driver fatigue. Read more ...

Sleep apnea treatments, CPAP, snoring remedies and sleeping pills help many sleep. Keep reading to learn about treatments and about how alcohol and obesity can impact your sleep. Read more ...

Wetting the bed is a serious, embarrassing condition that affects millions of children. Learn more about the causes of bedwetting. Read more ...

Patients with insomnia who are diagnosed with accompanying mental health ailments often are not prescribed medication that will help them sleep - which could then make related anxiety or depression worse, new research suggests.Scientists examining treatment patterns for insomniacs say that their findings suggest that many doctors appear to be reluctant to prescribe sleep aids, even those that pose no risk of dependence, if patients also have depression, anxiety or mood disorders. Read more ...

Drugs and sleep deprivation go hand in hand. Keep reading to learn more about drugs that cause sleep deprivation. Read more ...

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed our lives in a number of different ways, not only socially and politically, but also in the way in which we dream. The study, authored by Ernest Hartmann, MD, of Tufts University and Newton Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Boston, Mass., focused on 44 people (11 men and 33 women) living in the United States, all between the ages of 22-70 years, and who had been recording all their dreams for at least two years. Read more ...

Lifestyle choices such as caffeine intake, diet, stress and substance abuse can have an effect on sleep quality. Keep reading to learn more about the connection between lifestyle and sleep deprivation. Read more ...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Elderly Women Hard Hit by Depression

Elderly Women Hard Hit by Depression
Title: Elderly Women Hard Hit by Depression
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008

New Discoveries About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I wanted to take a short break from our regularly scheduled blog on nightmares to talk about a recently published article, by Dr. John Chia in The Journal of Clinical Pathology. It concerned a well-known but very difficult disease to describe and diagnose called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). First, some important background: While many people think of CFS as a "new age" diagnosis, it has actually been around for many...

Polysomnogram: What Is It, And How Does It Work?
Let's continue talking about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We already discussed some of the symptoms and signs, as well as the significance of untreated OSA and the related diseases such as stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.  Today we will focus on the polysomnogram (PSG), the test used to diagnose OSA, as well as most other sleep disorders. Again, if we break down the words it won't seem so mysterious- poly means many, somno means...

Alexza Initiates AZ-007 (Staccato(R) Zaleplon) Phase 1 Clinical Trial And Updates Clinical Pipeline Development Status
Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALXA) announced that it has initiated a Phase 1 clinical trial with AZ-007 (Staccato(R) zaleplon). AZ-007 is an inhalation product candidate being developed for the treatment of insomnia patients who have difficulty falling asleep, including patients who awake in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling back asleep. This is the first clinical trial of AZ-007 being conducted under an IND filed recently with the U.S.

Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Title: Night Noise Boosts Blood Pressure
Category: Health News
Created: 2/13/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/13/2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Good night's sleep is no slumber party for smokers

For smokers, getting a good night's sleep is no slumber party, scientists said on Monday. More at...

I previously posted about the diagnosis of insomnia, the difference between primary and secondary/comorbid insomnia, and the importance of evaluating for and treating any underlying causes of insomnia. I encourage you to read my Secondary Insomnia post before reading any more of this post. Today I will be talking more about medication treatment options for secondary (comorbid) insomnia. Although persons with primary insomnia (insomnia... More at...

Do you know the side effects of some of the most common sleeping pills? Keep reading to learn more about medication for sleep disorders. More at...

In a study exploring insomnia among adolescents, as many as one in four reported one or more symptoms of insomnia nearly every day in the previous month, and nearly half of these had sleep disturbances a year later. More at...

Sleep and aging are closely related. Learn how sleep affects not only aging but also mental health, physical health and memory. More at...

Reasons for the association are unknown, researchers say More at...

Thinking about trying an herbal sleep aid or an herbal remedy to treat your sleep problems? Learn more about how herbs and hormones work as alternative herbal sleep aids. More at...

Daytime Nap May Boost Memory

Daytime Nap May Boost Memory
Title: Daytime Nap May Boost Memory
Category: Health News
Created: 2/4/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/4/2008

Warm Milk, True or False?

Wake Up and Smell the Sugar Pill - Or Not

Moody Blues Have Meaning

Chronic Pain Harms Brain's Wiring
Title: Chronic Pain Harms Brain's Wiring
Category: Health News
Created: 2/9/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/11/2008

Sleep Disruptions May Arise With Age
Title: Sleep Disruptions May Arise With Age
Category: Health News
Created: 2/4/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/4/2008

Sleep Disorders in Animals
Researchers at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine say that the roundworm C. elegans, a worm often used in laboratory research, may help us to understand why animals sleep. Although it's called "lethargus," the period of lethargic behavior in the roundworm resembles sleep. The worm is unresponsive during this phase, and if denied the phase, the roundworm seems to suffer from sleep...

Sugar Water Eases Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Title: Sugar Water Eases Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea treatments, CPAP, snoring remedies and sleeping pills help many sleep. Keep reading to learn about treatments and about how alcohol and obesity can impact your sleep. Continue reading ...

Want to stop bed wetting or other sleep problems? Keep reading to earn about how sleep can be improved through hypnosis. Continue reading ...

Continue reading ...

Title: Smokers Sleep Less Soundly
Category: Health News
Created: 2/6/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/6/2008 Continue reading ...

Driver fatigue and driving sleepy or drowsy can cause car accidents and crashes. Keep reading to learn about driver fatigue as well as truck driver fatigue. Continue reading ...

Title: Sugar Water Eases Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008 Continue reading ...

Continue reading ...

Those who suffer from insomnia need relief. Keep reading to learn more about various insomnia treatments as well as insomnia relief and possible cures for insomnia. Continue reading ...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chronic Pain Harms Brain's Wiring

Title: Chronic Pain Harms Brain's Wiring
Category: Health News
Created: 2/9/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/11/2008 Continue reading ...

Title: Sugar Water Eases Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008 Continue reading ...

How does menopause affect women's sleep? Read on to learn more about how sleep problems arise from common menopause symptoms. Continue reading ...

Sleep deprivation in college students is serious, not only to students' health but also to their studies. Keep reading to learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on college students. Continue reading ...

Wth our busy lives, stress can lead to a bad night's sleep. Keep reading to learn about the effects of stress and stress management on sleep. Continue reading ...

Title: Study Links Snoring to Chronic Bronchitis
Category: Health News
Created: 1/29/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 1/29/2008 Continue reading ...

Title: Fibromyalgia: 3 Things to Do
Category: Doctor's Views
Created: 10/10/2001 4:48:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 1/18/2008 Continue reading ...

Smokers Sleep Less Soundly

Smokers Sleep Less Soundly
They're 4 times more likely than nonsmokers to report lack of restful slumber, study says

Want Good Sex? Kick the Kids Out of the Bedroom

Does Your Job Cause Cancer?

Pop Quiz: Who Sleeps Better, the Man or the Woman in a Couple?

Wake Up and Smell the Sugar Pill - Or Not

Warm Milk, True or False?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A New Mom's Guide To Coping with Sleep Deprivation

Becoming a new mom brings us face to face with some of the toughest challenges that we will ever experience as a woman in our life. At a time when energy reserves are in short supply, one of the biggest obstacles that many new mothers have to deal with is sleep deprivation. We are all warned of the sleepless nights when we are pregnant, but it isn't until we actually become mothers that we feel the pain of this ourselves.

I completely understand that sometimes you can be so sleep deprived that it hurts. Well, I am here to tell you that it does end and that you will return to a more restful sleep routine. If you can just take a deep breath and have complete acceptance of the way things are, it will make this difficult time pass quickly and with more ease.

Lack of sleep can make us all a little short tempered, a little irrational, and a little slow in the decision making arena. I know, that isn't a shocker to you right now, and while the only cure for that is getting a good night sleep here are some survival tips for you until you can get those much needed zzzzzzzzzzzz's

Survival Tip One:
Make sure you ask for help. This might sound obvious, but so many mom soldier on because they think they have to do it alone. Talk to your significant other or friends to see if they will be able to help you on a rough day. They are going to want to visit you anyway to play with baby and check in on you, why not have them help you. Talk openly and honestly with your spouse or significant other. They may just as tired as you are so try to set up a tag team schedule so that one can rest while the other tends to baby and house hold chores.

If you can try to arrange to have help with the baby before the baby arrives. Fortunately my family was very good at arranging times to come and help once I had my first child for the first couple of weeks. They brought dinners and helped with laundry. Talk to your friends and family and see if anyone can come and help even if only for 30 minutes at a time. That is at least a good nap.

Survival Tip Two:
This is the old golden rule of sleep whenever your baby sleeps. Too many new moms get distracted with chores and other 'to-do's' and forget that without enough sleep, then everything becomes more difficult. It doesn't matter if it is 11 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon. Sleep, everything else can wait until you wake up or until you have time to do it. I am not kidding you, I lived by that golden rule and it made a huge difference.

Survival Tip Three:
Find the time to meditate. A regular meditation practice (and specifically transcendental) uses simple and effective techniques that focus on helping the mind to settle. And because of the intimate mind and body connection, as the mind settles there is a natural settling of the physiology. When this happens the body can start to gain a deep level of rest. Meditation gives you the ability to relax in such a way that is much deeper than deep sleep. This is an incredibly powerful tool for new moms

If you are a newbie, then find a good guided mediation CD or tape to listen to. Be sure to make a regular time each day in a quiet place specifically to listen to it. If you are familiar with mediation, renew your practice and notice the immediate impact.

Survival Tip Four:
New Mothers need to eat foods that are going to support their energy levels. Make sure that you are getting protein in the morning, drinking a lot of water and staying away from packaged and processed foods. I know that a cup of coffee can give you the energy spike that you need at the moment, but when it wears off you can often be left feeling worse then you did before. Water will help flush toxins out of the body which can be bogging you down. Fresh veggies and fruit will help keep your digestion efficient and give you the nutrients you need to cope with the long days and nights.

Survival Tip Five:
If you are having difficulty falling asleep again immediately after you get up through the night to attend to your baby, then you should avoid looking into bright lights or watching television when you get up. Many new moms recommended placing the crib or bassinet next to your bed if at all possible. This helps cut down the long trips to the baby's room for the middle of the night fusses. Plus you will also find that it is easier for you to go back to sleep with out having to move too much.

Salena Kulkarni is the creator of the 'Secrets of Extraordinary New Moms' program, which helps new moms feel energized, get back in shape, eliminate emotional overwhelm, and experience fulfillment in 30 days or less! Visit now for more information.

The Top 3 Insomnia Tips

Insomnia, or lack of sleep, can be a huge problem for many people. In today's world most people have a lot to do during the day and if you are tired and irritable from not sleeping it can make your life miserable. Not to mention how insomnia adversely affects those who have to live or work with you. You don't need to live this way, however, as there are insomnia tips to help you with the condition.

Among the many insomnia tips provided by physicians, the ability to be physically relaxed will help you get to sleep. You need to try to reduce your daily stress by learning meditation techniques and/or yoga. Drinking a lot of water and following a proper diet are also highly recommended.

If insomnia is a continuing problem, check your mattress and pillow. It is possible they are making you uncomfortable and not allowing you to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. Pillows may also make you feel as though you are lying uphill, or down, and if they are too hard may press into your head uncomfortably, reducing your chances of falling asleep.

Make Your Bedtime Consistent

By going to bed at about the same time every night, your body will develop a natural rhythm as it begins to learn it is bedtime. Every person has an internal clock that runs the body's circadian rhythm that tells your body when its daylight you get up and when it's dark, it's time for bed.

While many insomnia tips revolve around people with normal work schedules, the rhythm can be upset by working strange shifts, but the rhythm can be established if you are on the same shift for an extended period of time.

Avoid Pharmacological Influences If Possible

Many doctors are reluctant to prescribe sleep medication unless it becomes absolutely necessary, which may be the case of those suffering from injury accompanied by pain. Other physicians may offer medication as a short-term solution as insomnia tips, but will seek to find the underlying cause of the insomnia and treat the cause instead of the symptom. This is important because the only way you can solve your insomnia problem completely is by treating the cause.

Avoid foods and drink that contain caffeine, they are only making it harder for you to sleep. You may be using them during the day to keep you up because you aren't sleeping, but they are hurting you more than helping your insomnia.

Do not eat a large meal before bedtime. Many contend they have trouble sleeping if they go to bed hungry, but research shows that large meals before going to bed usually cause indigestion and additional sleeping problems.

Take Melatonin

One of the most common insomnia tips offered by natural health experts and medical professionals is to take melatonin. It can be found at your local health food store. Your body produces melatonin naturally while you sleep and taking 3mg 30 minutes prior to bedtime may help you fall asleep easier.

If you do need to take something to help you sleep make sure that it is natural as drugs, alcohol, and medication may put you to sleep, but they do not give you quality sleep, which is vital for overall health and wellness.

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. To find the best natural health information anywhere on the web visit:

What Is The Nature And Function Of Sleep And Dreams?

Sleep is the process in which our energetic body (also known as
the etheric body or vital body) is put on 'recharge'. It expands
and opens in order to assimilate and store energy. This energy
body can normally only do this in its expanded state during
sleep. In this state, the chakras (energy centres) trickle power
in the form of 'etheric matter' into the energy body, which is
basically a 'double' of the physical body (and sometimes called
the etheric double for this reason.)

"As the physical body and mind fall asleep, a copy of
consciousness is reflected into the etheric body, and from there
into the projectable double as it is generated, and later into
the astral and higher subtle bodies. While this is happening,
the physical/etheric copy of the mind begins sliding toward
another type of projection, an internal projection into the
dream environment. At the start of the process, while falling
asleep, the physical/etheric mind begins losing the strength of
will to form coherent and logical thought patterns. It slowly
loses itself among wandering fragments of thought and
subconscious impressions. It loses touch with reality and begins
to experience dreams, some of which appear to be generated by
the subconscious mind."
- Robert Bruce, Astral Dynamics p.134

We may well note, we need sleep to live, and the refreshing
reward of a good night's sleep is not possible to produce by any
drug or any other means. This results not just from the resting
and rebalancing of the metabolism of the physical body, but the
emotional and mental vigour of energies gained by our etheric
and astral bodies. In this state, the etheric body is just out
of alignment with the physical, which 'uses up' this energetic
charge during the day.

The etheric body is usually about two inches above the physical
one while sleeping, and this accounts for the slight change in
perspective reported at the start of some Etheric Projections.
Most people have experienced the 'jolt' that is caused by sudden
awakening as the bodies 'fall' back into realignment. This can
be caused by either internal or external factors, such as
nightmares or other highly active dreams, aborted projection
attempts, astral obstructions, loud noises, or even being bumped
too hard by a partner rolling over.

"In periods of sleep your consciousness actually does leave
your body... your consciousness does return at times, to check
upon the physical mechanisms... [however] the body consciousness
is always with the body, so it is not vacant. But the largely
creative portions of the self do leave the body, and for large
periods of time when you sleep."
- Seth, Seth Speaks p.120

It is during this recharging process that our astral body
separates and tunes into the Astral Plane where it can create
and experience dreams. This is also why we still feel refreshed
after projection as it is a separate process. And again, whether
we realize it or not, we are all familiar with the Astral Plane
because the dream dimension is part of it. The difference with a
conscious Astral Experience is that you know you are there and
this makes the experience far more vivid and directable.

"In sleeping... you focus your awareness in altered form into
another world that is every bit as valid as your physical one."
- Seth, Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness p.219

In other words, the astral body - with your main conscious
focus - 'comes and goes' from alignment with the etheric body
and to the Astral Planes. You 'dream' or 'project', and return,
several times in a night! Four or five times is common, though
it depends on how long you sleep among other factors. Mostly we
forget the brief awakenings between dream periods, but we can
learn to remember these to. (For myself, I was a deep sleeper,
but now I frequently wake up in these in-between periods with
full recall!)

"Dreams ... are not just imaginative indigestion or psychic
chaos. We are not temporarily insane when we dream, as some
theorists maintain. To the contrary, we may be far more sane and
alert during some dream states than we are ordinarily."
- Jane Roberts, Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness

Dreams serve so many multi-purposes and functions that it is
almost ridiculous to attempt a comprehensive list of them,
however the main points will be of some help. Especially when
we've been taught that dreams only serve this or that particular
function! No way! There is far more to them than that...

"In dreams, you give freedom to actions that cannot adequately
be expressed within the confines of normal waking
- Seth, Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness p.246

Without further ado then, here is a summary list of what Dreams

· freedom from the physical limitations of time and space,
allowing us to return to physicality with renewed physical and
psychic energy
· sorting out and processing our daily experiences and
organizing internal and external information
· exploration of probable realities, the living out of events
to enable us to better make daily decisions
· therapeutic experiences, including facing fears, neuroses and
any other major or minor concerns
· valid information about our motives, needs and decisions
· inner communication with other portions of the self (deeper
parts of the psyche), including reincarnational, past, future
and parallel probable selves
· symbolic or accurate visions of past and future events, or
other translations of inner data into terms the conscious mind
can more readily interpret
· communication with other people and entities (especially upon
· a unique way to solve problems and overcome difficulties
· greater intunement with our creative abilities and talents
· a lot of fun wacky stuff that shows us our inner world is
more expansive than we may think!
· as many different possibilities of experience that you can
(and do) come up with...

"An unrecognized unity and organization lies within all of your
dreams, beneath their diversity. And your dreams, while part of
you, also exist apart."
- Seth, Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness p.174

So of course, it would be more accurate to say that many or all
of these things are occurring at once in our dreams, thus
emphasizing their true multi-dimensional nature. In this sense,
it is like all of the dimensions of our being interacting to
form cohesive and relevant dream events for beneficial
psychological purposes. Or to put it more simply, dreams can
really help us!

About The Author: William Ember is an self-trained explorer of
Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection experiences, and has
recently authored the most comprehensive and in-depth training
guide to these experiences available anywhere. It is available

Lack of sleep tied to retained pregnancy weight

Insufficient sleep during the months after childbirth may play a role in the retention of weight gained during pregnancy, research suggests. Complete news at...

 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Except for tracheotomy, it is also the most effective treatment for OSA. CPAP is basically a computerized air pump that delivers pressurized air through a hose and then through a nasal interface into the patient's throat. The pressurized air splints open the upper airways, preventing the airflow pauses (apneas) and airflow... Complete news at...

Reasons for the association are unknown, researchers say Complete news at...

'Wake up-and-breathe' protocol appears to improve results, study says Complete news at...

Cutting down on medication, especially tranquilizers and antidepressants, and using wheelchairs and bed rails selectively, could help reduce the number of falls among nursing home residents, Swedish researchers report. Complete news at...

Lately, I have been talking a lot about difficulty sleeping, particularly insomnia. We have covered that topic fairly exhaustively, so I wanted to deal with a common occurrence, which when its chronic is considered a sleep disorder. It is something that we have all had at some time or another - nightmares.  "Because I said to myself that my bed would comfort me, my couch would carry me in suffering. You have terrified me with... Complete news at...

I previously posted about the diagnosis of insomnia, the difference between primary and secondary/comorbid insomnia, and the importance of evaluating for and treating any underlying causes of insomnia. I encourage you to read my Secondary Insomnia post before reading any more of this post. Today I will be talking more about medication treatment options for secondary (comorbid) insomnia. Although persons with primary insomnia (insomnia... Complete news at...

Do you snore? Do you have trouble sleeping because your spouse "rattles the walls" with their snoring? Are you are a little overweight and not fully refreshed by your sleep? Do you doze off a lot and just feel like you lack energy during the day? Then maybe the best holiday "gift" you can give yourself or significant other is an evaluation for sleep apnea. Ironically, we haven't really talked much... Complete news at...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Four Days Of REM Sleep Deprivation Contributes To A Reduction Of Cell Proliferation In Rats

Four Days Of REM Sleep Deprivation Contributes To A Reduction Of Cell Proliferation In Rats
Four days' exposure to a REM sleep deprivation procedure reduces cell proliferation in the part of the forebrain that contributes to long-term memory of rats. The study, authored by Dennis McGinty, PhD, of the V.A. Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, focused on male Sprague-Dawley rats. REM sleep deprivation was achieved by a brief treadmill movement initiated by automatic online detection of REM sleep.

Elderly Women Hard Hit by Depression
Title: Elderly Women Hard Hit by Depression
Category: Health News
Created: 2/5/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/5/2008

The Dangers of Sleeping Naked

A Systematic Change In Dreams After 9/11/01
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed our lives in a number of different ways, not only socially and politically, but also in the way in which we dream. The study, authored by Ernest Hartmann, MD, of Tufts University and Newton Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Boston, Mass., focused on 44 people (11 men and 33 women) living in the United States, all between the ages of 22-70 years, and who had been recording all their dreams for at least two years.

NyQuil and Nighty-Night Don't Mix for Kids

Daytime Nap May Boost Memory
Title: Daytime Nap May Boost Memory
Category: Health News
Created: 2/4/2008
Last Editorial Review: 2/4/2008