Sunday, February 17, 2008

What About Eucalyptus and Snoring?

Many people have heard of the beneficial effects of eucalyptus on snoring. Those who are looking for an alternative or safe way to address their snoring problem may want to explore this option as eucalyptus is a safe and natural remedy. Let's explore that a bit further here.

One of the reasons you may want to consider eucalyptus for snoring is because many cases can often occur when the sinuses get clogged and blocked, and a person is then forced to breathe through their mouth when they sleep. The body is not meant to breathe through the mouth this way, and this causes the throat to dry up considerably. When the throat is dry the tissues in the mouth and throat vibrate as you breathe. This vibration causes snoring. When you start to treat this condition with eucalyptus, snoring is reduced because the sinuses are kept open and unblocked, and you're more likely to breathe through your nose the way you're supposed to.

Just how can you use eucalyptus for snoring? There are a few different ways. The first is as pure oil. You can have a jar of this on your nightstand and open it when it's bedtime. The vapors will penetrate your sinus cavities as you breathe and keep your nose open. Some have had good results this way with marjoram, peppermint, and menthol as well. Also, you can use eucalyptus for snoring by adding some in a vaporizer that's designed for this. The oil or concentrate is released through the vapors, and this extra moisture in the air helps to keep your sinuses open and your throat moist as well.

Some use eucalyptus for snoring by rubbing a small amount of the oil under their nose or on their chest at night before they go to bed. This may be a bit too much of the vapors for some, but if you are prone to very blocked sinuses or nasal cavities, this may be the best thing for you.

There are also homeopathic treatments and over the counter concentrates you can purchase at the pharmacy. These are usually very affordable and seem to work well for those who try them. It's always recommended that you try eucalyptus; snoring doesn't have to interfere with your life any longer, since this element is so easily available and seems to work so well for those who have tried it.

Lisa Davies is a freelance writer. For more information about natural snoring remedies and snoring visit our site at
Discover more tips on stop snoring remedies.

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