Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sleep In, Save Your Heart

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“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”   - Anne Bradstreet, British poet   It’s that time of the year again.  Especially for those of us not fortunate enough to live in warmer climes- the winter is coming.  As we all know, along with the season comes shorter days and longer nights.  Some of us may... Complete news at...

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Anyone who has any knowledge at all of country music will probably remember the Barbara Mandrell hit, "Sleeping Single in a Double Bed." That, according to the song, is not a favorable situation. However, please consider the alternative. Snuggling together on a narrow bed may sound appealing to the newlyweds, but believe me, keep it up and the honeymoon will soon be over. Buy a bed large enough to give both people room to move around, stretch... Complete news at...

Resolutions for the Sleep Impaired

As the last of the sand trickles from the hourglass and the old year gives way to the new, it's a time to look to the future. What can we do to make life better in the months to come?   For the sleep deprived, whether that lack of sleep comes from a sleep disorder, work schedule or poor sleep hygiene, a plan to get more sleep will definitely improve the quality of life.   Sleep deprivation causes many problems, from excessive... More at...

It's common knowledge that obesity is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. How, the, do we account for the 40 to 60% of sleep apnea victims who are not obese?   Enlarged tonsils or adenoids, a deformed uvula or soft palate - These conditions  can be the culprits in some cases. So can liver disease. But this still leaves many cases of apnea unaccounted for.   Researchers at the University of Toronto Center for Sleep... More at...

I previously posted about the diagnosis of insomnia, the difference between primary and secondary/comorbid insomnia, and the importance of evaluating for and treating any underlying causes of insomnia. I encourage you to read my Secondary Insomnia post before reading any more of this post. Today I will be talking more about medication treatment options for secondary (comorbid) insomnia. Although persons with primary insomnia (insomnia not... More at...

Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep, or the complaint of unrestorative/unrefreshing sleep. Most people experience short-term insomnia from time to time, but when insomnia lasts for more than several weeks, it is considered chronic and should be evaluated by a physician. Insomnia used to be classified by sleep specialists as either primary or secondary insomnia. Secondary insomnia was insomnia that was due to an... More at...

Title: Health Tip: Traumatic Events May Affect Sleep
Category: Health News
Created: 1/29/2009 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 1/29/2009 More at...

Most people are familiar with the after effects of a night or two without sleep. Without sleep, people are less efficient and more irritable. It's even difficult for them to think. A study by the University of California in San Diego reveals that brain activity is actually altered following sleep deprivation.   Parts of the brain, for instance the frontal lobe, did not function when the subject was severely sleep deprived. However, other... More at...

The Alternative Medicine site at describes acupressure as "The application of pressure to certain points along the flow of energy or "qi" in the body. This therapy is used to promote health, prevent and treat disease, and relieve pain."   Some reports tell us that acupuncture (acupressure using needles) has a 90% success rate when it comes to insomnia. Pressure on certain points on the energy chain of the body encourages an... More at...