Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chronic Insomnia Can Predict Future Functioning Of Adolescents

Chronic Insomnia Can Predict Future Functioning Of Adolescents
In one of the largest epidemiologic studies of insomnia among adolescents ever conducted in the United States, this study allows for an estimation of the impact of chronic insomnia on future functioning of adolescents. Youths with insomnia, particularly chronic insomnia, are at greater risk of future somatic and especially psychological problems, the study found. Robert E.

Changes In Narcoleptics' Skin And Core Body Temperatures Affect Their Vigilance And Sleepiness
In healthy people, both sleepiness and vigilance show a relationship with core body temperature and skin temperature. When core body temperature is high during the daytime, skin temperature is low, which translates into optimal vigilance. Conversely, when core body temperature is low at night time, skin temperature is high, which correlates to optimal sleep.

Understanding Sexomnia
Sexsomnia, also known as sexsleep or sleep sex, is a parasomnia that causes a person to have sex while sleeping. Learn more about sexsomnia.

Pregnancy and Sleep: Sleep Problems during Pregnancy
Pregnancy and sleep often don't go together. Learn about pregnancy sleep positions and also get info on the treatment of sleep disorders during pregnancy.

How Stress Affects Sleep
Wth our busy lives, stress can lead to a bad night's sleep. Keep reading to learn about the effects of stress and stress management on sleep.

Identification Of Brain Region That Can Be Stimulated To Reduce The Cognitive Deficits Of Sleep Deprivation
A Columbia University Medical Center research team has uncovered how stimulation of a particular brain region can help stave off the deficits in working memory, associated with an extended sleep deprivation.Working memory is a specific form of short-term memory that relates to the ability to store task-specific information for a limited timeframe, e.g., where your car is parked in a huge mall lot or remembering a phone number for few seconds before writing it down.

Sleep Diaries: How to Keep a Sleep Log
Do you have trouble sleeping? Read on to learn how using a sleep diary to record your sleep history may help you beat insomnia.