Saturday, October 3, 2009

Making the most of expiring health insurance

A health reporter talks about how you can prioritize the use of your employer's insurance if you believe you're in danger of losing it. Complete news at...

Five Democrats voted with all of the panel's Republicans in opposing the inclusion of the government-run option in the bill in what is expected to be the first of several battles in Congress over the public option. Complete news at...

Researchers say that number--which equals one person every 12 minutes--equals more deaths annually than deaths caused from murder and drunk driving combined. Complete news at...

A lucky few can get by just fine on six hours of sleep, and a new study suggests a genetic mutation might help explain why. Complete news at...

Despite the fact that humans will spend roughly one-third of their lives asleep, scientists still don't know why we do it. Complete news at...

Dr. Bernadine Healy gives four things that you and your representatives in Washington should know about the healthcare reform bill known as H.R. 3200. Complete news at...