Sunday, May 24, 2009

Health Tip: Warding Off Age-Related Memory Loss

Health Tip: Warding Off Age-Related Memory Loss
Title: Health Tip: Warding Off Age-Related Memory Loss
Category: Health News
Created: 5/20/2009 9:41:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/20/2009

Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy
It's common knowledge that snoring is both annoying and dangerous. Loud snoring is a sign of a much more serious sleep disorder - sleep apnea. A person suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing hundreds of times a night only to start again with a loud gasp. This puts a strain on the entire body, and especially on the heart. It also decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood stream and in the brain.   Anyone can become a victim of sleep...

Stormy Weather, Stormy Sleep

The (Un)Lucky Snorers Burn More Calories

Too Much Sitting Linked to Sleep Apnea
It's common knowledge that obesity is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. How, the, do we account for the 40 to 60% of sleep apnea victims who are not obese?   Enlarged tonsils or adenoids, a deformed uvula or soft palate - These conditions  can be the culprits in some cases. So can liver disease. But this still leaves many cases of apnea unaccounted for.   Researchers at the University of Toronto Center for Sleep...