Thursday, April 30, 2009

Understanding Common Sleep Problems

Understanding Common Sleep Problems
Common sleep problems, aging problems and memory problems are all connected. Keep reading to learn about the physical and psychological effects of aging and sleep problems.

Causes of Disrupted Sleep
Disrupted sleep, in the form of restless leg syndrome (RLS), periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), sleep apnea and delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), are serious disorders that can damage your health. Learn more on the causes of disrupted sleep.

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation, caused by sleep disorders has a number of physical and mental effects. Keep reading to learn more about the effects of sleep deprivation.

Medical Conditions that Interfere with Sleep
Certain medical conditions can interfere with sleep. Keep reading to learn how medical conditions, such as stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTS, ADHD and asthma, affect sleep.

Sleeping Through the Night
Having trouble getting your kids to sleep through the night? Read advice for keeping your child healthy by encouraging sleeping all night.

Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy
It's common knowledge that snoring is both annoying and dangerous. Loud snoring is a sign of a much more serious sleep disorder - sleep apnea. A person suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing hundreds of times a night only to start again with a loud gasp. This puts a strain on the entire body, and especially on the heart. It also decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood stream and in the brain.   Anyone can become a victim of sleep...