Thursday, April 23, 2009

FDA to check old medical devices

FDA to check old medical devices
In a step that critics have long requested, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will begin checking the safety of some of the riskiest medical devices.

Lack of sleep linked to Type 2 diabetes
Americans who get little shuteye during the work week may be putting themselves in danger of Type 2 diabetes, a new study has found.

Kroger recalls mayonnaise in 3 states
Grocery store chain Kroger has recalled some store brand mayonnaise because it may be contaminated with salmonella.

10 ways to save on prescriptions
A recent study by Consumer Reports has found that 28 percent of Americans have taken dangerous steps to cut the cost of their prescription medications.

You and Your Mattress
I'm not saying that the right bed and mattress bed will cure your insomnia or sleep apnea or sleep paralysis, but a bed or mattress that's uncomfortable or unsuited to your needs will add to sleep problems.   What's your bed like? Is it starting to look a bit the worse for wear? Does it sag in the middle? Can you feel the shape of the springs when you lie down? I've even heard of people who were trying to sleep on a mattress so old that...