Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Deck the Halls: Tips to Help You Sleep Better Through the Holidays

Deck the Halls: Tips to Help You Sleep Better Through the Holidays
 'Tis the season. Christmas, New Years. Out of town visitors and parties. Turkey and fruit cake. Nuts and chocolates. Christmas cheer and New Year's bubbly. 'Tis the season for merriment, joy and love.     But for those people who suffer from a sleep disorder, the holiday season can add more stress and often lead to depression. A very important aspect of managing sleep disorders is a regular schedule. Your visitors may not...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Title: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 12/31/1997
Last Editorial Review: 1/23/2009

Kicking those Addictions
As we move into the New Year and make out our list of resolutions, be sure to add giving up your addictions. I'm not speaking of the hard drugs. I'm sure the majority of my readers aren't hooked on heroine or cocaine.   Neither am I talking about drugs prescribed by your doctor. It's true that some of these may be addictive, or, at the very least, habit forming, but if your doctor has prescribed them and if they are working for you...

Sen. Ted Kennedy Suffers Seizure
Title: Sen. Ted Kennedy Suffers Seizure
Category: Health News
Created: 1/21/2009
Last Editorial Review: 1/21/2009

Headaches and Sleep
Headaches come in all shapes and sizes, from tension headaches caused by excessive stress or even excitement to the devastating pain of cluster headaches to debilitating and recurrent migraine headaches. Headaches have one thing in common. They make you miserable.   What causes headaches? As mentioned above, stress is one cause. Allergies, sinusitis, head colds can all bring on a headache. Some medications also can cause...

Loads of Overtime May Cost You Your Head
Title: Loads of Overtime May Cost You Your Head
Category: Health News
Created: 1/12/2009
Last Editorial Review: 1/12/2009

Sleeping Away the Common Cold
There is no cure for the common cold, or so we've been told. But a recent study led by Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg suggests that if you can't cure it, then find a method of preventing it.   The study, which appeared in the January 12, 2009, issue of Archives of Internal medicine, shows that, of the 153 volunteers, those who slept fewer than eight hours a night were more likely to contract a cold. For two...