Friday, December 12, 2008

Night Sweats: Understanding What Causes You to Sweat While You Sleep

Night Sweats: Understanding What Causes You to Sweat While You Sleep
Do you suffer from night sweats? Learn more about the causes of and reason for night sweats.

Workers with sleep apnea may take more sick leave
People with sleep apnea may be at increased risk of needing an extended sick leave from work or going on permanent work disability, a new study suggests.

Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain: Is There a Connection?
Weight gain can sometimes be attributed to a lack of sleep. Keep reading to find out how lack of sleep and sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain.

The Causes and Effects of Lack of Sleep
Lack of sleep, namely insomnia and related disorders, has unique symptoms, causes and treatments. Keep reading to leanr more about the causes and effects of lack of sleep.

Apnea therapy may help cognition in Alzheimer's
For patients with Alzheimer's disease and obstructive sleep apnea, treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) seems to improve cognitive function, according to a report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.