Thursday, March 6, 2008

Medical Conditions that Interfere with Sleep

Medical Conditions that Interfere with Sleep
Certain medical conditions can interfere with sleep. Keep reading to learn how medical conditions, such as stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTS, ADHD and asthma, affect sleep.

New Discoveries About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I wanted to take a short break from our regularly scheduled blog on nightmares to talk about a recently published article, by Dr. John Chia in The Journal of Clinical Pathology. It concerned a well-known but very difficult disease to describe and diagnose called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). First, some important background: While many people think of CFS as a "new age" diagnosis, it has actually been around for many...

Medications that Interfere with Sleep
Medicines like antidepressants, antihistamines, decongestants, sleeping pills and other drugs can cause insomnia. Keep reding to learn how medications can interfere with sleep.

CPAP Helps Sleep Apnea Sufferers, And Their Spouses Too!
We have covered the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) using polysomnogram and reviewed some of the controversy regarding use of home sleep testing for OSA. Now it is time to discuss some of the treatments. We will spend most of the time talking about the most common and by far most effective treatment- continuous positive airway pressure, better known as CPAP. What is CPAP and what does it do? CPAP is a device that is...

Sleep Diaries: How to Keep a Sleep Log
Do you have trouble sleeping? Read on to learn how using a sleep diary to record your sleep history may help you beat insomnia.

Non-Medicinal Treatments for Sleep Disorders
So far I have spent a lot of time reviewing the different medicines available for the treatment of insomnia. Today, we will touch on some non-pharmacologic (non-medicine) treatments. It is important to point out that the effects of different medications for insomnia are evident only when you are taking the medicines, not when you stop taking them. The non-medicinal treatment, however, "teaches" patients with insomnia how to get...

Teeth Grinding: Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment
Teeth grinding can occur when people are asleep or awake. Keep reading to find out about preventing teeth grinding, including using a night guard or mouth guard.

Driver Fatigue: The Dangers of Driving Sleepy
Driver fatigue and driving sleepy or drowsy can cause car accidents and crashes. Keep reading to learn about driver fatigue as well as truck driver fatigue.