Friday, April 3, 2009

College Students and Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation in college students is serious, not only to students' health but also to their studies. Keep reading to learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on college students. Complete news at...

Title: Late Bedtimes Linked to Heart Disease
Category: Health News
Created: 3/31/2009
Last Editorial Review: 3/31/2009 Complete news at...

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called CFS, can be a debilitating condition. Keep reading to learn about treatments for and symptoms of CFS. Complete news at...

Alternative sleep patterns, such as the Da Vinci sleep cycle, polyphasic sleep and uberman sleep alter the sleep cycle. Keep reading to learn about polyphasic sleep. Complete news at...

A new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health shows a positive link between the amount of the hypnotic (sleeping medicine) zopiclone in the blood and the chance of being assessed as impaired in a clinical examination. The study also included drivers who only showed alcohol in their blood test. Complete news at...

Women in Denmark who developed breast cancer after working night shifts and many years of disturbed working patterns are to receive government compensation. Complete news at...

Insomnia has long been associated with poor health, including weight gain and even obesity. Now researchers at UCLA have found out why. Complete news at...

Weight gain can sometimes be attributed to a lack of sleep. Keep reading to find out how lack of sleep and sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain. Complete news at...