Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lack of Sleep Can Lead to Suicide

Contemplating suicide just because you can't sleep may seem a bit drastic, and this would be true if the insomnia only lasted for a night or two or even several nights. But if it goes on for night after night, week after week, month after.... Well, you get the depressing picture.   There are several types of insomnia, and each one can be broken down into dozens of variations. The three basic types are: Transient Insomnia - This usually... Complete news at...

Childhood obesity is on the rise, and along with the obesity comes other problems --- heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Another problem, long thought to be a disorder of older, overweight males, is sleep apnea.   A study published in the June issue of the journal sleep reveals that obese children are as much at risk of developing sleep apnea as obese adults. The risk factor is based on waist circumference and BMI... Complete news at...

I suffer from nocturia. It's believed that over two-thirds of people over 55 may also struggle with nocturia. They just aren't able to put a name to it.   What is nocturia? Nocturia isn't actually a sleep disorder. A better description would be a sleep related problem. In simple words, nocturia is the need to get up to go to the bathroom to urinate several times a night. Having this happen once or twice a night is actually normal, but... Complete news at...

 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Except for tracheotomy, it is also the most effective treatment for OSA. CPAP is basically a computerized air pump that delivers pressurized air through a hose and then through a nasal interface into the patient's throat. The pressurized air splints open the upper airways, preventing the airflow pauses (apneas) and airflow... Complete news at...

Sleep disorders of all kinds affect millions of people every day. However, facts concerning sleep and the disorders associated with sleep are not widely known to the public. The sad aspect to this subject, is that many doctors are not versed in sleep disorders as well. Much of the research that one may encounter has been compiled due to personal experiences or through a personal search for knowledge. If you feel that you cannot go through a day... Complete news at...