Title: Pay Attention to Signs That Say You're Too Tired to Drive
Category: Health News
Created: 6/14/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/15/2009 More at...
We started our discussion about restless legs syndrome (RLS) in my recent blog, so let’s continue where we left off. Mild symptoms of RLS occur in 5-15% of the general population, which makes it the second or third most common sleep disorder. Of these cases, only about 2-3% are considered clinically severe enough to require treatment. It appears to occur more commonly in females and can even affect children. Due... More at...
Title: Partner's Support Helps Men Adhere to Apnea Treatment
Category: Health News
Created: 6/13/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/15/2009 More at...
In my last blog we were reviewing the fundamental question of why we sleep. We left off trying to sort out the level of activity of the brain and body during different stages of sleep (i.e. Non-REM and REM). During non-REM the body and brain are at their most relaxed state. Ironically, most people think of REM as deep sleep, but actually during REM the level of brain activity resembles the awake state. Our most... More at...
Sleep disorders of all kinds affect millions of people every day. However, facts concerning sleep and the disorders associated with sleep are not widely known to the public. The sad aspect to this subject, is that many doctors are not versed in sleep disorders as well. Much of the research that one may encounter has been compiled due to personal experiences or through a personal search for knowledge. If you feel that you cannot go through a day... More at...
Title: Health Tip: Things That Trigger Migraines
Category: Health News
Created: 6/26/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/26/2009 More at...
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” - Anne Bradstreet, British poet It’s that time of the year again. Especially for those of us not fortunate enough to live in warmer climes- the winter is coming. As we all know, along with the season comes shorter days and longer nights. Some of us may... More at...