Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Insurance companies refuse to stop cancelling sick patients' policies

Despite calls to stop the practice, executives from the insurance industry's top three insurers--UnitedHealth Group, Wellpoint, and Assurant--say they will continue to cancel the insurance policies of some sick patients. More at...

I previously posted about the diagnosis of insomnia, the difference between primary and secondary/comorbid insomnia, and the importance of evaluating for and treating any underlying causes of insomnia. I encourage you to read my Secondary Insomnia post before reading any more of this post. Today I will be talking more about medication treatment options for secondary (comorbid) insomnia. Although persons with primary insomnia (insomnia not... More at...

Flushing expired or unused prescription medications may seem like a safe and easy way to dispose of them, but health experts say this practice harms the environment. More at...

According to a new study, patients who have routine blood tests done by their primary care physician often are never informed about the results. More at...

 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Except for tracheotomy, it is also the most effective treatment for OSA. CPAP is basically a computerized air pump that delivers pressurized air through a hose and then through a nasal interface into the patient's throat. The pressurized air splints open the upper airways, preventing the airflow pauses (apneas) and airflow... More at...