Friday, March 13, 2009

You and Your Mattress

I'm not saying that the right bed and mattress bed will cure your insomnia or sleep apnea or sleep paralysis, but a bed or mattress that's uncomfortable or unsuited to your needs will add to sleep problems.   What's your bed like? Is it starting to look a bit the worse for wear? Does it sag in the middle? Can you feel the shape of the springs when you lie down? I've even heard of people who were trying to sleep on a mattress so old that... Continue reading ...

It's common knowledge that snoring is both annoying and dangerous. Loud snoring is a sign of a much more serious sleep disorder - sleep apnea. A person suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing hundreds of times a night only to start again with a loud gasp. This puts a strain on the entire body, and especially on the heart. It also decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood stream and in the brain.   Anyone can become a victim of sleep... Continue reading ...

Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep, or the complaint of unrestorative/unrefreshing sleep. Most people experience short-term insomnia from time to time, but when insomnia lasts for more than several weeks, it is considered chronic and should be evaluated by a physician. Insomnia used to be classified by sleep specialists as either primary or secondary insomnia. Secondary insomnia was insomnia that was due to an... Continue reading ...

Title: Insomnia
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 6/6/2005
Last Editorial Review: 3/3/2009 Continue reading ...

Title: Warm Weather May Trigger Migraines
Category: Health News
Created: 3/10/2009
Last Editorial Review: 3/10/2009 Continue reading ...

Title: Too Little Sleep May Raise Diabetes Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 3/12/2009 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 3/12/2009 Continue reading ...

There is no cure for the common cold, or so we've been told. But a recent study led by Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg suggests that if you can't cure it, then find a method of preventing it.   The study, which appeared in the January 12, 2009, issue of Archives of Internal medicine, shows that, of the 153 volunteers, those who slept fewer than eight hours a night were more likely to contract a cold. For two... Continue reading ...

Title: TV Watching Doesn't Fast-Track Baby's Skills
Category: Health News
Created: 3/2/2009
Last Editorial Review: 3/2/2009 Continue reading ...