Sunday, March 29, 2009

Internal Clock and Metabolism May Be Linked

Internal Clock and Metabolism May Be Linked
Title: Internal Clock and Metabolism May Be Linked
Category: Health News
Created: 3/20/2009 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 3/20/2009

Coping with Nocturnal Eating
Sleep eating, also known as nocturnal eating syndrome, is a disorder that causes people to eat while they sleep. Keep reading to learn about sleep eating.

Alternative Sleep Patterns: Polyphasic Sleep, the Da Vinci Sleep Cycle and Uberman Sleep
Alternative sleep patterns, such as the Da Vinci sleep cycle, polyphasic sleep and uberman sleep alter the sleep cycle. Keep reading to learn about polyphasic sleep.

Study: Women have more, scarier nightmares than men
A new British study has found that women have more--and more scary--nightmares than men.

Symptoms and Causes of Insomnia
There are many causes of insomnia. Keep reading to learn more about the causes of insomnia, including pain, depression, and sleep disorders.

The Causes and Effects of Lack of Sleep
Lack of sleep, namely insomnia and related disorders, has unique symptoms, causes and treatments. Keep reading to leanr more about the causes and effects of lack of sleep.