Monday, December 29, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Remember

Title: To Sleep, Perchance to Remember
Category: Health News
Created: 12/6/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 12/8/2008 More at...

Headaches come in all shapes and sizes, from tension headaches caused by excessive stress or even excitement to the devastating pain of cluster headaches to debilitating and recurrent migraine headaches. Headaches have one thing in common. They make you miserable.   What causes headaches? As mentioned above, stress is one cause. Allergies, sinusitis, head colds can all bring on a headache. Some medications also can cause... More at...

Starting high school classes at 8:30 or 9 a.m. has been shown to improve teenagers' ability to stay awake in school and to stay alert behind the wheel, researchers report. More at...

A good night's sleep may truly be the best medicine, one new study suggests. More at...

A structured sleep schedule, timing exposure to light and strategic use of sunglasses may help night-shift workers adjust to their schedule -- and be able to keep a closer-to-normal schedule on days off, a small study suggests. More at...

New limits are needed to ensure that the long hours logged by young doctors in training at hospitals do not leave them so exhausted that they make medical errors, a U.S. expert panel said on Tuesday. More at...

A new study suggests that an electronic prescribing system that tells doctors which drugs are the least expensive could save patients millions of dollars each year. More at...

Caffeine is a drug. Coffee contains caffeine, and about 90% of Americans drink coffee, many of them in amounts that pour more than 300 milligrams of caffeine into their systems every day. Caffeine is a mild stimulant. It makes you more alert by fending off sleep. It's the most widely used drug in the world, and in contained in many foods and also in numerous stay awake medications like No Doz.       Never forget, however, that... More at...