Separation Anxiety
Title: Separation Anxiety
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 10/10/2002
Last Editorial Review: 11/3/2008
But How Could a Nap Be Bad?
Let’s continue on our topic of naps in healthy adults- the good, the bad, and the otherwise. Some more good news about napping. As we all have probably experienced in our life, a short nap has helped us learn something that we simply couldn’t grasp beforehand. This is because after intense work, parts of our brain begin to show signs of information saturation, meaning our brains are at capacity and we...
What's Keeping You Awake at Night?
The things that keep us awake are many, and tend to vary from person to person. Noise, illness, including sleep disorders, and stress, to name a few. Stress means worry, and it's worry that's keeping many folk awake - worry over something called the "credit crunch." A survey done by the budget hotel chain, Travelodge in the UK suggests that some workers are getting less than six hours sleep a night because of worries about money and job...
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children
We have already discussed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the adult, but have not spent much time on OSA in the pediatric age group, which despite also causing breathing to stop during sleep, can have different consequences, is often treated differently, and consequently is a very different disease. Unfortunately pediatric OSA is often overlooked as a problem, and can lead to serious health problems. As is the case in an adult...
How to Nap with Positive Results
Don’t think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That’s a foolish notion held by people with no imaginations. You will be able to accomplish more. You get two days in one- well at least one and a half. - Winston Churchill Or as Yogi Berra put it: I usually take a two hour nap from one to four. Near and dear to our hearts is the nap. Some of the greatest...
Your Ticking Clock
Picture the human body as a big clock, or perhaps a conglomerate of clocks, all ticking in unison. All forms of life respond to the cycles of the sun, the moon and the changing seasons. This is called the biological clock, or, to use a more scientific term, the circadian rhythm. The word "circadian" comes from the phrase "circa diem", which means about a day.or twenty-four hours. Research has revealed that the body clock operates on a...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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