Sunday, November 9, 2008

Causes of Sleep Deprivation

The causes of sleep deprivation vary widely, ranging from medical conditions to the medications you take to your lifestyle habits. Keep reading to learn more about the causes of sleep deprivation and various sleep disorders. Complete news at...

Common sleep problems, aging problems and memory problems are all connected. Keep reading to learn about the physical and psychological effects of aging and sleep problems. Complete news at...

Sexsomnia, also known as sexsleep or sleep sex, is a parasomnia that causes a person to have sex while sleeping. Learn more about sexsomnia. Complete news at...

Let us continue talking about pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  We have covered its background and complications, now its time for us to talk a little about treatment.   As we explained in previous blogs, as opposed to adults where OSA is most often related to being overweight, in otherwise healthy kids the most common cause of OSA is enlarged tonsils and adenoids (glands located at the exit of the nose canal as it... Complete news at...

Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) is often misdiagnosed as a sleep disorder. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of DSPS. Complete news at...